June 2009; the world lost a super star, a legend and Michael Jackson
was gone way too soon. He is yet another victim of the danger of
medically prescribed drugs.
We all
believe when our doctor gives us a prescription that the medicine
will fix our problem and that it is safe. The list of stars that have
died at the hands of prescription drugs is too long and frankly it is
scary. In this day and age we should know better; prescription
medication addiction is rampant; it out does Alcohol, Heroin,
Cocaine, Methamphetamine, and most other street drugs.
Jackson is joined by Heath Ledger, Elvis, Amy Winehouse, Whitney
Houston, Marilyn Monroe and there are many more. Michael Jackson was
killed by medication that he took for pain, insomnia and stress. The
doctor who injected one of the medications Jackson took is now in
jail serving a four year sentence for his crime. Conrad Murray was
convicted of voluntary manslaughter in 2011 and is now awaiting an
appeal decision.
Trusted Conrad Murray
Jackson trusted his doctor to do the right thing by him, and the
right thing should have been to refer Jackson to treatment for his
drug use, and refuse to administer certain drugs. He could not betray
his patient’s confidence, but he could have put him on a psych
hold, there were definitely grounds for this, given his testimony in
court in 2011. Why he was injecting Jackson with a cocktail of drugs
that he knowingly knew were dangerous is beyond my understanding or
any other person who loved Michael Jackson. Doctors who prescribe
these medications should be monitoring their use; and if there are
alarm bells, someone needs to step up and try to help the person. No
medication is safe; especially if it is abused. Every medication has
some kind of side effect.
put, drugs that act as a pain killers designed to treat chronic pain
are depressants. Patients are sometime given an anti-anxiety drug
with pain killers or an anti depressant. Taking these drugs together
can produce serious side effects. Some act as a depressant which
essentially can slow down or stop a person from breathing, digesting
their food, wanting to eat, clear thinking and cardiac function. Some
people can lose their sex drive or their heart may even stop, which
is what happened to Jackson. His heat stopped and Murray could not
revive him.
Condition Got Worse And Worse
you on medication and if you are; have you noticed any of the above
symptoms? See your doctor immediately, and you should be concerned.
If you are not happy with your doctor’s advice; go seek a second
opinion. The answer is usually not another drug. Pain Killers,
anti-anxiety and anti-depressants usually hide their damaging effects
and sometimes a person can be really ill before it is realised what
is wrong. This is what I believe happened to Michael Jackson over the
years and his damage just got worse and worse until it killed him. So
if you feel unwell, do not ignore it.
Do I
think he contributed to his death? Yes, of course he did; however his
doctor should have taken better care of his patient, Jackson should
have been able to trust Conrad Murray. We don’t know what damage
had already been done to his body before he died, and I doubt that
the medical examiner was able to determine this. I don’t remember
anything being said in the news, just that there were certain drugs
in his system.
Drugs Are Lethal
two drugs together can produce unwanted or accelerated affects; like
mixing your anti-depressant with alcohol; never a good idea. The fact
here is, the more drugs you take, the better your chances of winding
up in hospital or dead. You would do well to question you doctor
about interactions of medications and if you don’t get a
satisfactory answer, see another physician. Sometimes certain side
effect are harmless, some patients will report side effects when they
start a new medication. Once they have been on it for a while, the
side effects disappear.
anti-anxiety or anti-depressants do not heal the body in any way.
They will not repair what is broken; only stop pain, calm you down,
and work on your brain to produce serotonin. Pain killers especially
strong pain killers stop the person from perceiving the actual
condition of their body or mind. This is denial on a very dangerous
scale. When you know something is dangerous; denying that there may
be a problem is akin to suicide; well it was in Jackson’s case.
Denial of his situation led to his kids become fatherless and his
parents losing a child and the billions of fans losing out on their
Jackson Was Younger He Was Very Health Conscious
surprises me every time I think about it. Michael Jackson in his
younger days was a health nut, I remember reading in his biography
that he did a fasting cleanse every Sunday, he was a Jehovah Witness,
he did not drink alcohol, and Jehovah’s Witness’ do not like
alcohol or drugs; these are a big no no. Michael Jackson had a
problem, and his problem is like many other people’s who get
addicted to pain pills. They take them for pain, and the addiction
creeps up, before you know it you think you need them.
curse his family and loved ones for not sticking their noses in and
incurring his wrath. What were they scared of, that he would push
them away. He did that sort of thing anyway. If they thought he might
die from his drug use, why didn’t they put him on a psych hold or
make him go to a detox centre? It just doesn’t make sense. When you
love someone, you interfere, you don’t care about their wrath if
you are worried they are going to kill themselves with drugs or
alcohol or whatever. You do an
intervention. That what should have happened, over and over again,
until Jackson listened and got help.
is help out there for pain pill addiction; get online and find a
clinic today. Call your local hospital and ask for assistance. There
are clinics that will detox you fast and painlessly with no side
effects and then you can get on with learning to be drug free.
Copyright © 2013 Janelle Coulton
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