My name is Janelle Coulton, but most of my friends call me Jel. I am a freelance writer of articles, essays, short stories and biographies. I write about social issues, breaking news, relationships, psychology, popular television, fiction and current events. My family, writing and music are my ultimate passions in life. I currently write for many revenue share sites and content mills, such Hire Writers and Zerys. I write for private clients who need content for their websites via at my website. I also do a lot of blogging and write under my given name, Janelle Coulton, Whitney Rose, Angie Whitney Rose and Jel Writes.
I first began my online writing career at Suite101 and have been published in the featured articles section several times. I have also been published in ezines and various print media, mostly letters to the editor. I manage and write a blog dedicated to my favourite TV show; Grey's Anatomy (my guilty pleasure).
I have recently started writing my first book. It will be a non-fiction book about sexual assault. The book will delve into the criminal, psychological and human issues regarding these heinous crimes. It will be controversial, informative and hopefully helpful to the victims and survivors of sexual assault. My hope is that through this book, people will be more likely to come forward and report sexual assault or at the very least, seek counselling or psychological help so that they may in time, move on with their lives. I believe that many people under-estimate the damage that is done to a survivor of assault. the repercussions on the survivor can ruin a person's life and they do not ever get over it.
If you would like more information about my book or you have a writing job or assignment you need completed, please visit my Hire Me page or you can email me at the address below.
You can link to other blogs via: Jel Writes; Freelance Writer, Angie Rose Whitney; Relationship and Self Help Advice and Grey'sAnatomyAddicts
Or email to: janelle.coulton@live.com.au
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