Thursday, 11 December 2014

Do You Want More Twitter Followers?

 TherLaptop Computere are many ways you can gain  more Twitter followers and targeted  twitter followers  at that.  You don't  want followers for the sake of  having  followers. If Twitter is how  you promote  your business or skill set,  then you need  to  connect  with people  who are in the  same industry as you.

 For example, if a Freelance writer  asked how to  attract more followers,  the answer would be  that he or she  should connect with as many  people in their niche as possible. If you are a  writer then look for publishing representatives  and publishing houses. You should also be connecting with bloggers who are serious Freelance writers and know a trick or two about the freelance business. Plus connecting with you writing buddies is always great because you are there to support each other. Many writers believe that writers should support each other, not compete against each other.

If these people connect with you, that's even better. Do not go out and buy applications that will help you to gain followers as these followers will never be genuine. Paying for followers is even less smart. There is however a new tool available that many people are curious about and that is this laser pinpointing of followers for you to follow who are in your niche. But, not much is really known about this software. Some people have said that it works wonders, but others have said it is a waste of your time and money.

The best way that many successful business owners have gained followers is simply by putting in the time to engage with people on Twitter. Cleaning out your list of people you follow is a good idea, because you are probably following a whole lot of people who will never help to advance your business. And if these same people are not following you anymore, even more reason to un-follow them.

Mentioning people on Twitter helps to gain followers, as does re-tweeting. Make it a habit to get on Twitter and re-tweet five tweets that you enjoyed every single day. Believe me some of these people will return the favor and you may even gain followers out of it.

If you are a writer, post your work on Twitter. You would be surprised just how many people will read your work, and you will also gain a few followers out of that too. You might even gain some valuable contacts in the writing business.
So what are you waiting for, get online now and start tweeting and engaging with your followers. It really is a great feeling to start seeing those follower numbers increase.
Also posted on FullOfKnowledge
This article may not be re-published under any circumstances without the written permission of the author. A short blurb can be posted as long as it links back to this page. Thank you.

Written by Janelle Coulton – Janelle Coulton is a freelance writer for many online sites around the net and is also a serious blogger at:

Copyright © 2014 Janelle Coulton

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Negative Feedback And Bullies On The Internet

Teenagers and Young People are Often Bullied Online

Do you encounter this on your blog or website? People leaving negative comments or even nasty comments for no good reason? I have to say, that I never have and I am guessing that makes me the lucky one. I have had many writers, bloggers and people from all over the net that it has happened to them.

Sometimes negative comments or criticism can be left alone as it is a good thing to see a contrast of opinions from people, but when it comes to the nasty, bullying and threatening types of comments I hear about, then it's time to use that blocking mechanism many sites are famous for.

There are also times when someone might misunderstand something you have written, this happened to me recently on Twitter and once I set the person straight as to where my head was at, it was all good.

Cyber-bullying is becoming a big problem, especially with the younger crowd of Internet users and social networks. Sometime kids can be very cruel and they have no idea of the angst their bullying can cause someone. There have been shocking stories of young people committing suicide over being bullies either online or offline, like perhaps at school.

If it happens to you, block the person immediately and do not engage with them. That is really the only way to protect yourself from allowing their nasty comments to get to you. 

When a young person becomes the victim of a bully, it really hurts them. These kids are at an age where emotions run high and teenagers especially, are very concerned with how others see them and what kind of reputation they have. The only way to  fight back is to not fight back, block the person and move on. Try not to let it get to you. Treat cyber-bullies as if they do not exist, ignore them. If you don't react then they cannot get to you. If a cyber-bully gets a reaction, then they will keep going.

So, tell me; have you ever been the victim of cyber-bullies and what did you do in response? Hit the comments and let me know.

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Written by Janelle Coulton – Janelle Coulton is a freelance writer for private clients, websites and is also a serious blogger. Find her at JelWritesFreelanceWriter or GreysAnatomyAddicts

Copyright © 2014 Janelle Coulton

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Bring More Targeted Traffic To Your Blog

Do you own a blog? Is it for your business or is it a labor of love? It really doesn’t matter what reason you have for blogging, you want readers and subscribers. Most of us start blogging because we love to write about our favorite topics, but then you realize that it could bring in extra income and also bring you writing clients, which is exactly why I started my blog.

Blogs and maintaining them are time-consuming, so you need to have patience and the time to put the work in, because if you don’t focus on quality content; Google will not like your site and it will not rank well. So what can you do to bring more traffic to your blog, preferably visitors that are interested in what you have to say? There are so many ways and it’s not brain surgery to learn this.

Your blog showcases you and your business, but beware of talking too much about yourself. Blogs where people rave on too much about their lives or achievement start to get boring for the reader. The reader wants information he or she can use. Focus your posts on feeding information to your readers.

Try out some of the strategies below to help get more traffic:

Share Valuable Comments on Your Favorite Blogger’s Site

Most blogs have an option where you can share your website in the comments section. So if you have a favorite blogger in your niche who you are subscribed to, visit their blog often and leave meaningful comments about their posts. Do not just write stuff like: “Great Post” or “Thanks for Sharing” This is annoying to other readers and the blog owner. Some blogs also have back-tracks which will show the last post you made on your blog. This is an absolutely great marketing tool.

Short Posts Work Best

Keep your posts short and to the point. Four hundred to six hundred words is plenty, even less if you can. People surfing the Internet have a short attention span. In-fact experts will tell you that you have three seconds to grab their attention or they are lost to you.

Content is King

Every blog owner will tell you this; content is king and you must keep your blog fresh with new, original content. People will click away if what they see are old posts. In-fact they are likely to not return as they will think that the blog is inactive.

Use Social Networks to Promote Your Posts

Social networks are brilliant for promotion of your blog. What did we do before Facebook? I was not blogging then and have always used Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and a few others. Pinterest is also gaining popularity and so is Linkedin.

Tag other Bloggers when you Comment on their Posts

Tag other bloggers on Twitter or Facebook when you make comments about their blog or a post they have shared. Mentioning people in your niche on Twitter especially just might result in targeted followers and this is what you aim is if you use Twitter to promote.

Inject Humor or Controversy into Your Posts

Writing humorous or controversial posts is very handy to encourage visitors. Some of us find it difficult to be funny, but just give it a try or write about a really controversial subject that people will want to read. Many readers will click on your site just to see what everyone is talking about.

Try to get a Link Exchange with Popular bloggers

Write to the owner of a popular blog in your niche and request a link exchange. You could offer to write a guest post for free, so that you can include a byline that links to your blog. Some bloggers will like the idea and some may not, but give it a try. The best way to do this is study their blog and find a topic that has not been covered and send them a pitch to write the blog post in exchange for a byline.

Try to Spend Time Interacting on Twitter or Facebook

Engaging with people in your niche can bring you more followers and traffic. Make sure when you comment that you tag them or they may not see the tweet. Also retweet peoples tweets that are a part of your niche and they may return the favor. This brings more traffic your way.

The advice given here is really the tip of the iceberg in getting targeted traffic to your blog. You can try submitting your site to search engines and blogging about your service or product in forums and groups that allow this. Remember that the most important thing is to help people and provide great quality content. Google will love you for it. Some of the ideas above have helped the popular blogger to get tens of thousands of visitors per months and then some.

Written by Janelle Coulton – Janelle Coulton is a freelance writer for many online sites around the net and is also a serious blogger. Find her at JelWritesFreelanceWriter or GreysAnatomyAddicts

Copyright © 2014 Janelle Coulton

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Why Do Victims Of Domestic Violence Keep This Hidden?

For most domestic abuse victims, it is believed that they will be involved in at least thirty-five more assaults over a period of approximately seven years before they make the break and report the crime. What is even worse is that domestic violence reportedly claims the life of two women in any given week and one in four women will be exposed to domestic abuse in their life.

It is estimated that about 23 percent of domestic violence cases are ever reported. Many victims of domestic violence choose not to report the violence because they fear that the police will not respond. Research found that some police stations would screen their calls for emergencies and that domestic violence was not considered an emergency. This apparently happens on weekends and at night, when most domestic violence incidents occur. Apparently the safety of someone in a violent relationship is not important enough for the police to attend.

Some of the studies show that only one quarter of domestic violence reports conclude with the offender being arrested. It would seem as though law enforcement and the justice system do not have any understanding of how serious domestic violence is. They may not realize that domestic abuse is a serious crime and the offenders should be arrested and brought to justice.

Domestic violence is often unreported because people are not sure just what constitutes domestic violence. It just might be the case that some victims do not realize that being hit or verbally abused is domestic violence. They probably also do not understand that they should be asking for help. There are cases where victims exist that have no idea and need to be educated. Their abusive partner has likely convinced them that what is happening is either their fault or not a crime at all.

Some victims of domestic violence are too scared to report this insidious crime as they are afraid of any consequences reporting the abuse might bring. They might be scared for their own life or it could be that their abuser has threatened to hurt their children or animals or extended family, so they give in and do not file a report. They keep hiding the abuse and hope that it will not happen again. Most victims are aware that what’s happening to them is a crime, as there is so much awareness about domestic violence these days. There are TV advertisements and campaigns that operate all the time trying to get the message out to victims of abuse to report the offender.

Many victims of abuse will suffer in silence because they often believe that what is happening to them is their fault. Owning up to the fact that your partner beats you can be demoralizing to the victim. Many sufferers are ashamed and often very embarrassed. Their failure to report the abuse to law enforcement is often because their self-esteem has been destroyed and they actually believe that they cause their partner to be violent.

There are also misconceptions about what domestic violence is. Some people think that domestic violence and abuse is only about a partner using physical violence, however this is not the case. Abuse can be verbal, emotional, psychological, or sexual. A partner could withhold money and not allow his partner access to any finances. This behavior is abuse.
Yelling at someone and calling them names is abuse and is also classed as violence.

Another reason for sufferers to not report abuse is the rate of prosecutions that are successful. Despite a prosecutors best efforts; not many abusers receive a jail sentence. If the offender is not going be sent to jail for his or her crime, which essentially helps the victim feel safe and vindicated, it is likely that even more cases of domestic violence will be unreported.

The criminal justice system is failing the victims of violence and abuse. It is also clear that the abuser may come after the victim in retaliation against the victim for reporting the crime and their subsequent arrest. It also looks as though the victims are choosing the sensible option for themselves and their families, as self preservation seems to be one of most important reasons why victims do not report the abuse. When reporting the abuse could lead to more violence and drama for the victim, it is likely that the victim will choose the path that is easier to deal with.

If justice is not going to be served when it comes to these acts of violence against the victim, then cases will not get reported and probably even more deaths will occur due to violence in a relationship or marriage. Both men and women can be victims of domestic violence and the criminal processes need to change to make it easier for these people to overcome their fear and report the offender. It is clear that the one of the biggest reasons domestic violence is under reported is because the victims are not getting justice or possibly any protection.

If it is likely that the court will not send an offender to jail, then there needs to be more support out there for domestic violence victims. Guidelines need to be put into place to protect people who are being abused in the home. There needs to be more avenues of help and assistance, such as better guidelines and laws to have court orders in place as a protection measure. These changes do not just apply to the justice system. The medical profession can get involved and look closely for signs of abuse when they treat suspicious injuries and these people could try to intervene if possible. Or hospitals could employ staff with training in dealing with victims of abuse and put programs in place to get these people out of the situation. More shelters could be opened, so there are places for these victims to run to. There is so much more that can be done.


This article is also published at Full of Knowledge

Copyright © 2014 Janelle Coulton

This article may not be republished or reprinted without the express, written permission from the author. A short summary is permitted with a link back to this source.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Australian Budget 2014 - Who Is Really Doing The Heavy Lifting?

When Joe Hockey, the Federal Treasurer made his budget speech last week, I very carefully took in every single word. I also paid strong attention to what was not said.

This Government went to an election in September 2013 making many promises to the voters regarding many issues. Tony Abbott promised to get rid of the carbon tax and stop the illegal boats coming into Australia. He has succeeded in stopping the boats and has tried to dismantle the carbon tax, however the Senate stood in his way. He also made many other promises to his voters.

Tony Abbott promised the following:

* No changes to pensions without going to election

* No new taxes without going to an election

* No cuts to health

* No cuts to education

* No cuts to ABC or the SBS

The cuts to education and health remain to be seen as it is not clear at the moment whether cuts have been made. There was money promised to the States and Territories by the Rudd/Gillard government, and it was revealed that these funds were unavailable, however Abbott did commit to funding the Gonski program in public schools. 

The ABC and the SBS were cut, however if the Government had any brains, they would sell both stations to private companies. The cuts to the CSIRO came out of the blue, and I don't know many people who are happy with this. As for the deficit tax, dressed up as a levy. I don't have a problem with this. But, why are Abbott and Hockey not going after companies like Google and Apple and making them pay the correct amount of tax. Last year these two companies paid about one percent of their fifty million profit in tax. Their tax bill amounting to $500,000. This is so wrong on so many levels, because it is one rule for one group of people and a different rule for the rest of us.

Despite the lies, I actually think that this a good budget and it is necessary to save money, however having said that I have a few criticisms. Picking on the pensioners, whether the Government has a mandate at the next election or not is unthinkable. I recently heard that Abbott intends to cut off the Seniors Supplement which assists aged pensioners with the cost of living, i.e power bills, gas bills, car rego and other things and this is to happen in July, this year. If this is true, then where is the mandate for this. The pension is also set to be indexed in line with the CPI which will reduce the amount pensioners receive in the long run. 

Increasing the pension age to 70 in 2035 is probably a good idea, given the size of our aging population and fact that people are living longer, however what about nurses, labourers, brickies, people who do hard physical labour. How are they supposed to retrain at 65 and find employment; something will need to give here. 

The one thing they should be doing is taking away the restrictions on superannuation. If the Government want people to self retire, then allow them to put as much money into their super without penalising them. And while you are at it, do something about the fees that are literally eating up people's retirement. And if this Government or any government raise the age that workers can access their superannuation to 70; this will definitely open the door for an election loss and the workers will start a revolution. Raise the pension age, but dictating to people when they can retire is not on.

The one group of people that they should have left alone are aged pensioners whose only income is the pension. These measures will hit these people harder than most and I do not think this is fair. Every single time someone from the media or the other parties have attacked Abbott and Hockey about what they are doing to aged pensioners, the Liberal spokespeople or Abbott and Hockey themselves very cleverly do not even mention that they are cutting around $60 per fortnight from what an aged pensioner receives. Doing some research into whether certain people with certain amounts of assets should receive a pension or part pension might be a better idea, rather than taking money that aged pensioners with very little in assets have. Perhaps the assets test is too generous, it might be feasible to do some research on this.

As for the lower and middle classes being hit the hardest by this budget and everyone telling them not to bitch and moan; well I think they have a right to be upset. They will be affected by a GP tax, which is not even going back into paying off the debt. Oh no, the government wants to spend the money on a Research Fund, oh and let's not forget the 24 billion dollars these fighter jets will cost. Why on earth are we spending 24 billion dollars on brand new shiny fighter planes when we have budget debt crisis. The Commission of Audit told the Government that we have a spending problem, not a revenue problem. Yet they want these shiny toys for Defence, so their answer is to make cuts to pensions, family payments and literally cut the unemployed off without a cent.

Family payments are being cut, unemployed people are set to be cut off their benefits for six months. Not to mention people on disability pensions will be re-assessed for work. Everyone of these lower class Australians will be hit by a GP fee according to the budget papers. Pensioners and children will be treated for free after ten visits. Families, single people and pensioners who are doing it tough already will be hit the hardest by this.

I am well aware that welfare fraud has to stop, however is this the way to go about it? Is it right to simply deny someone welfare assistance who has just gotten fired and has no savings or entitlements. For Australians under the age of thirty, this is the plan. The Government will cut them off benefits for six months. Somebody close to me falls into this category and I just cannot stomach this happening to someone who certainly does not deserve it.

What happens when they cannot pay the rent, let alone put fuel in their car or catch a bus to attend a job interview. This premise is simply ridiculous. Cutting people off benefits could lead to more homeless on the streets, more crime and higher suicide rates. I am personally already seeing how these measures are affecting the lower and middle classes. People are getting fired, tradesmen are losing work because the general public are already tightening the belt. Trades people and others in business are losing work left, right and centre and this will lead to more job losses. I have personally witnessed one case of someone seeking a referral to mental heath professionals because measures in this budget for them was the last straw on top of the extreme, hard times they are facing. The mental energy used worrying about all of these issues and how these changes will affect this person literally sent them off the deep end. It is my opinion that there is more of this sort of thing to come, and then some.

None of these measures have even come in yet and already people are scared, under pressure and wondering how they will cope financially into the future. There are many people who cannot work due to disability, illness or other medical conditions, such as blindness. Some of these people are terrified the Government will cut them back to Newstart and force them to find work, when there are close to one million people without jobs in this country. Just where do these people find jobs. Hiring independent doctors will cost the tax-payers a fortune and how do we know that they won't get it wrong and cut people off that need that support. Wouldn't it be cheaper to run a campaign to encourage the public to report the fraudsters to Centrelink.

I literally smile to myself when I read the polls and see that the Labor party are kicking ass over the Coalition. Tony Abbott will be out of a job if he insists on pushing this budget through as is and those vandals who put us in this mess will be in charge of this country again. Many people in this country are losing or have lost faith in the major parties and many are considering voting informally or voting for minor parties. Do we really need the Greens Party running this country, I don't think so.

My advice to you Mr Abbott and Mr Hockey is this: go out into the real world before you get the bright idea that people will survive without any kind of welfare assistance. Pensioners can not afford to have $60 odd dollar ripped out of their pensions and until you go and talk to them and see just what they are surviving on. If this is to happen in July, then you better get a move on and negotiate a much fairer budget for the lower class, hit these companies that get out of their tax responsibility and close any loopholes that income earners who are affected by the debt levy will use to get out of paying it. 

Tony Abbott and his mates are getting criticised and called liars and it's my opinion that they deserve it right about now. They are no better than Gillard; She said "There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead." And then did a complete about face.

Something tells me that Shorten and the Labor party and his Greenie mates would love nothing more that to force this budget to an election, especially when the polls say what they do right now. Right now Abbott and Hockey have a lot to do. Stop wasting tax payers money flying all over the country trying to sell this budget the way it is; because it is a waste of time. Negotiate with the enemy.

Some of the above facts could be based on rumours, however I do believe that most of the facts in this blog are correct at the time of writing.

Copyright © 2014 Janelle Coulton

Read more articles and blogs by Janelle Coulton

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Are Pensioners Becoming Scared And Desperate?

On Wednesday the 21 May 2014, a pensioner named Gloria phoned ABC Radio to talk to Tony Abbott who was a guest on the program. She told the Prime Minister that in order to afford to pay her bills and feed herself she has to work for a sex phone line service. She claimed that with the changes to pensions in 2017 that she would be $850 a year, worse off. 

ABC radio reported that Gloria was 67 years old, which would make her an aged pensioner. There seems to have been some dispute about this as Marcus Paul on 2CC in Canberra said this woman was only 63, which would mean she would not qualify for the aged pension.

In any case, Prime Minister Tony Abbott explained to her that she would be better off after the carbon tax is dismantled and that she would retain the compensation payments that were given to low income earners when the carbon tax came in under the Gillard Government. What was not mentioned is the fact that all aged pensioners will lose their Seniors Supplement, which take away about $60 per fortnight. In-fact Mr Abbott conveniently avoided this fact. When you add up the extra she will spend on co-payments to bulk-billing doctors and prescriptions and then factor in this Seniors Supplement, Gloria will be far worse off than she herself has calculated.

Having said all of this; this legislation will not come into effect until the next election has passed, which gives all pensioners a chance in the meantime to work if they can and invest any money they can before this happens. The thing is, there is time to plan and somehow make up for the shortfall. In any case, it is likely that these changes will not go through, given that all but one Senator who will rotate into the Senate in July does agree with cuts to welfare. He does not specify whether he is in favour of changing pensions, but all the other Senators have stated they are against cuts to welfare.

Pensioners are struggling as it is, so how can they afford to lose $60 per fortnight and then be forced to pay co-payments for medical services and extra to pay for their prescriptions. And it must really bug people that Tony Abbott made no mention of the scrapping of the Senior's Supplement. It is doubtful that the aged pensioners forgot about that.

It is pretty clear that not everything Hockey and Abbott have put into the budget will get through the Senate. What is even more clear is that it seems as though Bill Shorten's Labor Party and the Greens would love to see this budget go to a double dissolution election. It really does seem as though Shorten and his buddies are running an election campaign with the sole purpose of scaring the hell out of pensioners, the unemployed and families and branding Abbott and Hockey as liars. Perhaps they are liars, but so is the opposition and every other politician and Australians will get sick of this song soon enough.

This strategy will not buy Labor or the Greens any credibility and certainly will not win them an election, should it go that far. They need to put a plan on the table and come up with alternative idea where the budget can be balanced. They made the financial mess in the first place. Australians are not stupid; they know who is responsible for the mess we are in. As for the people who are running scared, well they should be. This budget is the toughest we have seen since Howard won the election in 1996. Hockey and Abbott are going to have to rethink this plan or do a much better job of selling it. Winking and smirking at a radio announcers and getting captured on film doing so is not helping. People are starting to think that Abbott is arrogant and cannot see the forest for the trees, not to mention the name calling. It will not take long for the public to become angry about this childish behaviour. We all need to grow up and focus on the policies and the issues, instead of slinging mud backwards and forwards.

What do you think of this budget and the behavior of our politicians? I would love to know. Catch up with me on Facebook or Twitter.

For more information about the author; feel free to browse around her sites:

Jel Writes

Angie Rose Whitney - Self Help and General Advice

Copyright © 2014 Janelle Coulton

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Malaysian Plane Tragedy – Family Members Insist That Their Loved One's Phones' Ring

Is This A Reason For Families to Hope for the Best?

According to many news services; the family members of the passengers aboard Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 370 have been calling the mobile phone numbers of their missing relatives and have been getting a ringing signal.

A Chinese gentleman went on TV in China, called his relative and showed the TV crew that the phone was ringing. It was also reported in one of the articles below that Malaysian officials called the flight crews mobile phones and they rang as well. Many people were speculating that these reports were just cruel jokes and not at all true. However this has not been proved and Malaysian officials obviously do not think that they can track the phones, or the relatives and loved ones would have been told this was happening.

Last week USA Today and International Business Times in Australia have reported that loved ones have been imploring officials to track these mobile phone signals in order to find the plane and hopefully rescue their loved ones.

Phone providers have said that the ringing signal could be because the phone is searching for a network. However, it was pretty obvious they were not sure.

Today the Australian Maritime Safety Authority reported a satellite spotted debris in the Indian Ocean, about two and a half thousand kilometers from Perth, Western Australia. Perhaps it would have been better to examine this debris before alerting the press. The families of the passengers aboard this flight really need to hear news that tells them something. It would have been a lot better to wait until they had confirmed whether this debris is from the missing aircraft.

On the weekend the news services reported that they believed the plane had been hijacked and searches of the pilots residences' were carried out, as it was discovered the their communication equipment aboard the plane had been tampered with and disabled deliberately. However, even after this was discovered the Malaysian officials would still not confirm the plane had been hijacked. This has made the families lose faith in what they are being told, they are sick and tired of the trickle of useless information they are receiving, to the point where there was a confrontation with Malaysian officials when some of the family members tried to talk to members of the press.

When all is said and done, this is an awful tragedy and I really hope they get some answers soon. I guess all anyone can do at this point is wait, hope and pray. I am also hoping that this telco provider official was wrong and the loved ones who did call their family members phones did actually connect, because that would mean the plane is not in the ocean. However, this cannot be proved.

It is a complete mystery. Who goes to the trouble of hijacking a plane to simply crash into the sea? Why did they change course and go in a completely different direction. The simple fact that the plane headed west surely must mean that whoever was at the controls had a plan to land the plane somewhere. Terrorist's sometimes carry out suicide missions, and this could be what happened, but it just seems really stupid to go to the trouble of turning off all communication systems and changing course. If they were planning to crash the plane either into the sea or on land somewhere, why go to all the trouble of trying to remain invisible.

Perhaps it is wishful thinking on my part because I want a happy ending for the families who must be out of their minds with grief and I simply do not the like the thought of two hundred and thirty nine people dying for no good reason. So tonight I will be praying that this debris is not that of the Malaysian airliner, because if it is then that means the passengers and crew on this flight have died.

Hopefully we will have some news sometime tomorrow. The weather in the location they were searching was not good today and a Navy ship is on it's way to meet the aircraft, and this will take a few days. However if the weather improves tomorrow, perhaps the pilots in the RAAF planes who should already be at the location might be able to get close enough to identify the debris. In the meantime the waiting, the questions and the speculation continues.


Copyright © 2012 Janelle Coulton