e are many ways you can gain more Twitter followers and targeted twitter followers at that. You don't want followers for the sake of having followers. If Twitter is how you promote your business or skill set, then you need to connect with people who are in the same industry as you.

For example, if a Freelance writer asked how to attract more followers, the answer would be that he or she should connect with as many people in their niche as possible. If you are a writer then look for publishing representatives and publishing houses. You should also be connecting with bloggers who are serious Freelance writers and know a trick or two about the freelance business. Plus connecting with you writing buddies is always great because you are there to support each other. Many writers believe that writers should support each other, not compete against each other.
If these people connect with you, that's even better. Do not go out and buy applications that will help you to gain followers as these followers will never be genuine. Paying for followers is even less smart. There is however a new tool available that many people are curious about and that is this laser pinpointing of followers for you to follow who are in your niche. But, not much is really known about this software. Some people have said that it works wonders, but others have said it is a waste of your time and money.
The best way that many successful business owners have gained followers is simply by putting in the time to engage with people on Twitter. Cleaning out your list of people you follow is a good idea, because you are probably following a whole lot of people who will never help to advance your business. And if these same people are not following you anymore, even more reason to un-follow them.
Mentioning people on Twitter helps to gain followers, as does re-tweeting. Make it a habit to get on Twitter and re-tweet five tweets that you enjoyed every single day. Believe me some of these people will return the favor and you may even gain followers out of it.
If you are a writer, post your work on Twitter. You would be surprised just how many people will read your work, and you will also gain a few followers out of that too. You might even gain some valuable contacts in the writing business.
So what are you waiting for, get online now and start tweeting and engaging with your followers. It really is a great feeling to start seeing those follower numbers increase.
Also posted on FullOfKnowledge
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Written by Janelle Coulton – Janelle Coulton is a freelance writer for many online sites around the net and is also a serious blogger at:
Copyright © 2014 Janelle Coulton